About Us. Our Mission.
Registered charitable Non-Profit Organization in the state of Florida, starting locally with the intent to go nationwide. We aim to raise money and continue to develop a community that supports our mission which is to proudly promote equality & equity for everyone and to take a strong stance against inequality & inequity, with an emphasis on our most at risk individuals and families.

  • Our Mission

    Combat Homeless/Help the Less Fortunate
    • Through our current partnership with The Brevard Homeless Coalition’s Continuum of Care, and future partnerships with other charitable organizations, non-profits, and suppliers, we will emphasize on our most at risk individuals and families and Intervene with the at risk individual or family to determine cause(s) of homelessness.

    • Participate in community outreach, local food drives, food shares, & events that align with our mission

    • Provide resources for other various needs that the individual may have, including but not limited to - Substance abuse, domestic violence, mobility resources, transportation, etc.

    • Volunteer our services for various local organizations with similar interests (food shares, etc.)

    • Provide a judgement free mutual aid network on social media where members of the community can ask for assistance

    Giving back is most important to us.

  • Future Goals

    We have only just begun.

    Future goals include, but are not limited to-

    For the Youth

    • Provide resources and/or judgement free support system for those who feel that are being treated differently (regardless of reasoning) by hosting seminars on self esteem, youth equality fundraising events, a youth equality network and hopefully one day youth activity centers

    • Provide FREE camps and FREE afterschool programs for our youth

    For Everyone
    • Continue to partner with others to provide Food, Clothing, Goods, and Housing Assistance/Host Events
    • Continue to spread awareness on important topics like equality, mental health, therapy, psychology, anatomy, physiology. exercising, eating healthy, home economics, financial advising, etc.
    • Host FREE Resume Building, Interview Skills Career Building, Financing, and Higher Education Seminars Seminars/Workshops

    • Provide haircuts for FREE to the homeless

    • Utilize funding provided by various sources to help with securing housing which includes assistance with down payments, rent, etc. to at risk individuals/families.

    • Provide Transitional Housing with 3 Tier Structure (More to come) with a housing first approach

    Resist & Raise Awareness

    • Attend, march in, and stand beside the members of our community proudly

    • Eventually start a march of our own (More to come)

    • Assist those in need with a housing first approach

    • Continue to provide a judgement-free community where anyone can turn to for help on social media

    & so much more!

  • Marching

    Marching for what we believe in as a STRONG UNIFIED and most importantly SAFE community!
    • We will be joining local and state events as a Non-Profit Organization in the near future. One day we will also be hosting events similar to Pride for the LGBTQ+ community but for minorities and anyone/everyone who stands up for equality and against inequality. We will will call these events EQUALITY Parades and encourage local individuals and businesses to join us and the parade event itself will stand as a march for anyone (individual or business) to join demonstrating that their belief in equality and that we are taking a strong stance against inequality.
    (More to come)

    We are all in this together.

  • Pouring Back Into and Building the Community

    By purchasing our products with a logo that represents equality on it, you are vowing to proudly promote equality & equity! The same goes every time that you make a donation. You are making a statement and we thank you for that!

    By wearing this logo or sporting a product with our logo on it, maybe we can make even just 1 person feel more comfortable on a bus, in a store, on a subway with us. There is strength in unity & making this world a better place is up to us!

    Join us in our cause by making a pledge (donation and/or purchasing a product with our logo on it) to help us in our mission.

    What you do with the products with our logo on it and what we do with the proceeds (help others) could change someone’s life.